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Resources on the Psalms

Delighting in God’s King

Pastor Brad gave away two books on the Psalms two weeks ago. 

Learning to Love the Psalms by Robert Godfrey

Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament by Mark Vroegop

Exploring Deeper:

Learning to Love the Psalms by Robert Godfrey

The arrangement of the Psalter into five books influences how we read and enjoy it. In this book, Godfrey explains the overall organization of the Psalter and provides helpful explanations and devotional insights of several psalms from each book of the Psalter. Each chapter also ends with questions for reflection and discussion.


Book 1 (Pss 1–41):                 The Kings Confidence in God’s Care

Book 2 (Pss 42–72):               The King’s Commitment to God’s Kingdom

Book 3 (Pss 73–89):               The King’s Crisis Over God’s Promises

Book 4 (Pss 90–106):             The King’s Comfort in God’s Faithfulness;

Book 5 (Pss 107–150):           The King’s Celebration of God’s Salvation.

 Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament by Mark Vroegop

Psalms is book whose titles means “song of praises,” yet it is a book full of laments (sad songs). Song of laments are the most abundant type of psalm in the Psalter. In this book, Vroegop, shows us through the psalms of lament and the book of Lamentations, to give voice to our pain and our depressions. He invites us to grieve, struggle, and tap into the rich reservoir of grace and mercy God offers in the darkest moments of our lives. The Appendices at the end provide helpful way to work through grief and express your own songs of lament based on the Psalter.  God

Part 1: Learning to Lament | Psalms of Lament 

  1. Keep Turning to Prayer | Psalm 77

  2. Bring Your Complaints | Psalm 10

  3. Ask Boldly | Psalm 22

  4. Choose to Trust | Psalm 13

Part 2: Learning from Lament | Lamentations

  1. A Broken World and a Holy God | Lamentations 1-2

  2. Hope Springs from Truth Rehearsed | Lamentations 3

  3. Unearthing Idols | Lamentations 4

  4. A Roadmap to Grace | Lamentations 5

Part 3: Living with Lament | Personal and Community Applications

  1. Making Lament Personal

  2. Let Us Lament

Conclusion: Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy | The Journey Ahead
Appendix 1 Twenty Complaints
Appendix 2 Psalms of Lament
Appendix 3 Learning-to-Lament Worksheet Appendix 4 But, Yet, And

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