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Creation Resources

Resources for Studying Creation

Creation and Change: Genesis 1.1-2.4 in the light of changing scientific paradigms by Douglas F. Kelly (1997)

Creation and Change: Genesis 1.1-2.4 in the light of changing scientific paradigms by Douglas F. Kelly (Revised & updated edition 2017)

This is the single best short and accessible resource for dealing with both the hermeneutic and scientific evidence. It was originally prepared for an adult Sunday School class. I recommend the 2017 edition as a significant improvement on the scientific front, but the original edition is similar on the hermeneutic considerations. Douglas Kelly is Professor of Theology emeritus at RTS in Charlotte. This book was recommended to me in 1999 by Peter J. Williams who teaches at Cambridge and was a member of the translation committee for the ESV. Peter told me this was the best book available in 1999 on Gen 1-2 and I don’t think a short accessible replacement has surfaced to date.


Darwin on Trial by Phillip E. Johnson (1991)

Very accessible to the layman. Shows that evolution is based on faith, not on a large body of indisputable fact. Demonstrates that the worldview of most scientists is grounded in their belief in philosophical naturalism which leaves no room for a Creator. Johnson is a lawyer with degrees from Harvard and the University of Chicago. When this book was written he was on the faculty of the law school of the University of California at Berkley. Johnson is an intelligent design proponent.


Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds by Phillip E. Johnson (1997)

An easy to understand (and short) journey into clear thinking about the central propositions of neo-Darwinism. Johnson encourages critical thinking as the best means of seeing through the specious arguments of evolutionists. 


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed by Ben Stein (2008) DVD (95 minutes)

A wry treatment of evolution and the persecution of scientists who don’t conform. Stein was able to catch some of the leading evolutionists on camera in unguarded moments. He interviews a number of scientists who were terminated from their jobs because of their questioning of evolution.


Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species by NathanielJeanson (2017)

Using the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle, Jeanson systematically works through the scientific problems with Darwin’s view of how species originated. The book is extensively illustrated and helpfully addresses the boundaries of the kinds of living organisms (as created by God in Genesis). Affirms scientific evidence for a recent creation using DNA sequence comparisons. Written at a level accessible to the diligent layman. This is a science book, not a theology work. Jeanson has a PhD from Harvard in Cell and Developmental Biology and is associated with the Institute for Creation Research and Answers in Genesis.

Studies in Genesis One by Edward J. Young (1964)

A classic scholarly work by a renowned theologian. Strongly advocates from the text for literal 24-hour solar days and a recent creation.


The Limitations of Scientific Truth: Why Science Can’t Answer Life’s Ultimate Questions by Nigel Brush

An accessible treatment of how science works and why science goes through paradigm shifts where dominant views are discarded and replaced with something that is usually quite different.

Brush has a PhD from UCLA in Geology and is a committed Christian. He teaches geology and conducts field research.


Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique, J.P. Moreland, Stephen Meyer, Wayne Grudem, et al.ed. (2017)

A 1000-page series of essays by leading experts in philosophy, science, and theology critiquing theistic evolution. Most essays are remarkably accessible to a serious reader who wants to study the arguments and responses, regardless of his scientific, philosophical, or theological training. Highly recommended for those who really want to understand the issues.


Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion by Michael N. Keas (2019)

Keas deals with the “traditional” narrative of warfare between science and Christianity and shows that this is a recent disingenuous mythology. On the contrary, Keas argues that there is a strong positive relationship between science and Christianity. Keas has a PhD in the History of Science from the University of Oklahoma and is a former Fulbright Scholar. He is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute in Seattle.


Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition that Life is Designed by Douglas Axe (2016)

2017 Book of the Year by World Magazine

Axe was an elder with Doug Payne in Seattle and is associated with an intelligent design organization, the Discovery Institute.

Axe is an expert on the chemistry of proteins (the major catalysts of life) with a PhD from Caltech. He was a research scientist in protein chemistry at Cambridge until he was terminated because of his intelligent design perspective. An engaging book which deals extensively with probability and the statistical impossibility of evolution. Written at a level accessible to the diligent layman. This is a science book, not a theology work. 


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