Upstate South Carolina


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Resources to Help Disciple the Next Generation

Filling the hearts and minds of our children with the glory of God is one of the greatest privileges we have as families and churches (Ps. 78:1-7). 

Past sermon series on kids and parenting

Gospel-Centered Parenting (2009)

Parenting: A Gospel Catalyst (2009)

God’s Glorious Deeds for Kids (2010)

The Ordinances and Our Children (2013)

Books for Teaching Theology to Young Hearts & Minds

My First Book of Questions and Answers 

by Carine MacKenzie

General Ages: 3-8 

Format: Q&A

UsesEBC uses it to provide catechisms for children’s church lessons. Parents may use it to begin discussing truth with their kids at early ages. 

  • 114 bite-sized questions and answers broken into 26 topics

  • Very simple and short questions & answers - can be adapted whenever needed

  • Scripture reference supplied for each answer


Everything a Child Should Know About God

by Kenneth Taylor

Sharing about God’s creation of the world, why Jesus came to earth, how the Holy Spirit helps us, and so much more! Give the child you love the greatest gift of all – a deeper understanding of God.

General Ages: 3-6

Format: Half-page stories sharing essential biblical truths with children in simple sentences and beautiful illustrations. 


  • Read with children in nursery, small groups, or to supplement other discipleship opportunities at church.

  • Parents may read and discuss it with their children before school, around meal times-like breakfast or dinner, or even as bed time reading.


Books for Teaching Theology to Young-Adult Hearts & Minds

Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God

by Bruce Ware

Equips parents to guide their young children through all major doctrines in an understandable, chapter-a-day format.

General Ages: Probably best suited for late elementary through middle school and above. (Though the author explains he began discussion with his kids around six and two as a way

to figure out to how get two fun-loving, giggly girls to bed in a way that kept our sanity but didn’t distract from the sheer happiness at the last hour before sleep came upon them both.)

Format: About two pages of reading (no illustrations), ending with “Questions for Thought” and a “Memory Verse.”

Uses: Engaging children and young adults, from long car trips to bed time (as the author used it), to young adult discipleship groups, to one-on-one “date nights” with your children


Books for Reading Stories to Young Hearts & Minds

The Big Picture Story Bible

by David Helm

General Ages: This will teach all ages (four & up) how to read the whole Bible as one big wonderful story. 

Format: Simple words and striking illustrations unfold the storyline of God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation. 

  • Download a free audio reading of The Big Picture Story Bible

  • Download 4 free coloring pages (with more coming)

  • Click on the link above for these resources and more


The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name

by Sally Lloyd-Jones

General Ages: This will teach all ages (four & up) to see how every story in the Bible points to Jesus. 

Format: 44 Bible stories 

Uses: Invites children (and adults!) to see that Jesus is not only at the center of God’s great story of redemption—he is at the center of their story too. 


Mighty Acts of God: A Family Bible Story Book


Wondrous Works of God: A Family Bible Story Book

by Starr Meade

  • Each book tells 90 Bible stories, fully illustrated, moving from Genesis to Revelation

  • Both books are a little more involved (in content and story) and encourage more discussion than the story books by David Helm and Sally Lloyd-Jones.

Each story focuses on a character trait or truth about God, emphasizing that God is the main character in every Bible story.

Each story provides a short title and memorable theme of each story. For instance, the story on Daniel 7:

  • Title: “Daniel’s Vision”

  • Theme: “God’s Kingdom Alone Will Last Forever”


Books for Teaching Stories to All Hearts & Minds

Show Them Jesus: Teaching the Gospel to Kids

by Jack Klumpenhower

AudienceParents and Sunday School teachers who want to understand and teach the Bible better to their children and classes

Format: Manual for teachers of kids and teens written by a lay Bible teacher with 30 years experience. 

With a simple framework and lots of real-life examples, Klumpenhower’s book helps teachers to identify and communicate the heart of the gospel to each child in each lesson. 


A how-to approach will compliment and enrich existing lessons or teaching materials and is appropriate for teachers of children and teens in any setting.

Books on Parenting


by Paul David Tripp

Audience: for parents

Format: Available as printed book, ebook, and audio book, with videos on the website

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