Upstate South Carolina


Posts from EBC

Reformation Resources for the Whole Family

October is a month we remember what God did in the Protestant Reformation through ordinary people, so that the authentic gospel was preserved from one generation to the next. Here are some resources to help remember the gracious gospel of our great God.

For Children and Families

Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World by Paul Maier

Beautifully illustrated and well written.

A Gold Medallion finalist. This book teaches children about Martin Luther’s fascinating life, influence, and teaching while encouraging children to see how God can use them in His kingdom today.

For Older Readers

Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton

The authoritative, unforgettable biography of Martin Luther.

The Unquenchable Flame: Discovering the Heart of the Reformation by Michael Reeves

A lively, accessible, and fully informative introduction to the Reformation. He brings to life the movement’s most colorful characters (Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, The Puritans, etc.), examines their ideas, and shows the profound and personal relevance of Reformation thinking for today


For Everyone … Why Does the Reformation Matter for My Life?

Video: The Reformation & Assurance

An excellent 20min talk and testimony by Michael Reeves dealing with two crucial questions:

  1. How can I be saved?

  2. How can I know what is true?

In this session, Dr. Michael Reeves highlights his teaching series The English Reformation and the Puritans as he discusses why he, and why all Christians, s...

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