Upstate South Carolina


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Rich (Online) Resources for Growing in Grace

Peter wrote to fellow believers who were suffering and scattered abroad (1 Pet 1:1–2; cf. 2 Pet 3:1). He admonished his brothers and sisters, that even though they were in a time of hardship, they could still “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet 3:18 ESV).

Below are two resources that could help us all grow in grace during our own time of hardship.

1. Ligonier Ministries: Free Audio & Video Bible Studies

Ligonier Ministries has generously made their entire library of hundreds of teaching series free to stream. Download the free Ligonier app today and stream thousands of messages from R.C. Sproul, the Ligonier Teaching Fellows, and other gifted pastors and teachers. Browse more than 2,500 messages here on This represents 1,000+ hours of time-proven, trusted teaching covering topics in biblical studies, theology, church history, Christian living, and worldview. The entire video and audio teaching series library will remain open until at least June 30.

Not sure where to begin? Try these series:

Or, take these series and more as free online courses together with your private group of family members and friends. Over 100 courses are available to take on your own or with a group for free, through June.

Note: The Ligonier app is available in the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV, as well as on Google Play for your phone or tablet. You can also get it on Amazon and Roku. Just visit or search for “Ligonier” in your app store to begin

See their blog for more information.

2. Charles Simeon Trust: Online Bible Study Courses

Charles Simeon Trust provides a number of online courses on how to study the bible—from basic Bible study, to studying OT History, the Gospels & Acts, NT Letters, and so on.

All courses are being reduced from $19 to $9.

One can work through these courses alone or with others. Check the FAQ section for more information.

Admin. EBCupstate