Upstate South Carolina


Posts from EBC

Sunday Meditation, March 29

Remember, the growth of a believer is not like a mushroom—but like an oak, which increases slowly indeed—but surely. Many suns, showers, and frosts, pass upon it before it comes to perfection; and in winter, when it seems to be dead—it is gathering strength at the root. Be humble, watchful, and diligent in the means, and endeavor to look through all, and fix your eye upon Jesus—and all shall be well.

— John Newton

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Sunday Meditation, March 22

One of the challenges that [the philosopher Blaise] Pascal lays before us is that of silence: if cultural “noise” is generated to allow us to forget or to avoid the reality of our human condition, then surely silence is useful as one context in which that condition can, indeed must, be faced. The measure of a man or woman, one might say, is the ability to sit alone and be silent in a room for an hour, contemplating nothing but their own mortality in the light of eternity.

—Carl Trueman

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Tips: a professional’s outline for avoiding COVID-19

The ground has shifted underneath people around the world due to the pandemic of COVID-19. With the closing of schools, churches, restaurants, athletic events, etc. and mandates to work from home and even to “shelter in place,” families are suddenly spending unprecedented amounts of time together. This could be a very good thing if it is managed wisely.

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Michael Gray
Upcoming Services Suspended

Dear EBC Flock:*

We are postponing all our services, including our shepherding groups, through the end of March.


On Sunday, March 15 at 4:00 pm, SC Governor Henry McMaster held a press conference to announce the closing of all schools through the end of March…

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Brad Baugham
25 Hymns to Sing in Troubled Times

The Preacher of Ecclesiastes tells us, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. . . . A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance . . . a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing” (Ecc 3:1, 4, 5).

In a time of uncertainty, what should we sing?

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Admin. EBCupstate
COVID-19 and Your Church

It is hard to imagine that anyone is unaware of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which is causing a pandemic of COVID-19 disease. As the fear and uncertainty over this novel virus continues to build in the US and globally, many Christians will turn to their churches for guidance on how to respond. The church needs to be prepared to respond with a calm, well-informed stance that quiets fearful hearts while invoking the most prudent courses of action.

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Michael Gray